NSM Lecture Series - Energy Cost & Storage

Friday, September 29    12:30 PM-1:45 PM Hamblin Hall Auditorium
Dr. Sanjaya (sanjaya@wvstateu.edu)


Samuel J. Scroggins - Lazard Frères


In the 2017 homecoming week, the WVSU Energy and Environmental Institute and the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics welcomes back a WVSU graduate (Business) Mr. Samuel Scroggins to talk about:

“A Perspective on the Current Levelized Cost of Energy and Storage Technologies.”

Our Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis is a comparative study of the “levelized cost of energy” for various technologies on a $/MWh basis, including sensitivities, as relevant, for U.S. federal tax subsidies, fuel costs, geography and cost of capital, among other factors. What the study has shown is that certain renewable generation technologies are cost-competitive with conventional generation technologies under some scenarios. As renewable generation becomes cost-competitive with conventional technologies, deployment increases. With increased deployment of intermittent renewables, the need for integration solutions increases. As such, many industry participants are looking to storage technologies to help integrate intermittent renewables into the electricity grid. As such, our Levelized Cost of Storage Analysis analyzes the “levelized cost of storage” for a number of technologies under a number of use cases.


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