Academics MENU

Welcome to the office of Academic Affairs


The Office of Academic Affairs is an active and effective team committed to quality education, scholarship, and service.  The office strives to create an equitable and inclusive learning community for our diverse student body.  Academic Affairs includes a campus-wide, involved and informed faculty and staff dedicated to strengthening and growing our academic programs. The team strives to meet students at their point of need with personal connections to support student success and lifelong learning.


West Virginia State University is uniquely poised and positioned to address the opportunities and complex challenges in higher education.  Our storied past, diverse campus-community, and our promising future place us amid many social, economic, environmental and technological changes. We are positioned to develop effective solutions to today's problems and to shape tomorrow’s leaders.


Faculty Awards

Faculty award winners
During our fall 2023 Opening Meeting, four of our faculty members were honored for their dedication to academics at West Virginia State University. Dr. Stephanie Burdette was presented the Excellence in Service Award, Mr. Jay Canterbury was presented the Teacher of the Year Award, Dr. Leighann Davidson was presented the Professor of the Year Award, and Dr. Umesh Reddy was presented the Distinguished Scholar Award.

Program Review Schedule 2013-2014 to 2022-2023
Based on CIP Classifications
 2013-2014  2014-2015  2015-2016  2016-2017  2017-2018
 2018-2019   2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
 B.S.  Communications

 M.A. Media  Studies
 B.S.  Education
 B.S. Computer  Science
 B.A. Economics

 B.A. Political Science

 B.A. Sociology
 B.A. International Studies
 B.A. English
 B.A.  Psychology
 B.S. Mathematics
 B.A. Business  Administration
 B.S. Athletic Sports Training

 B.S. Sports Studies
 M.S.  Biotechnology

M.A. Biotechnology
   B.S. Chemistry
 B.A. History
 B.S. Criminal Justice

 M.S. Law Enforcement &  Administration
B.S.. Biology
  M. Public Administration  
 B.S. Social Work
 B.A. Art

 B.A. Art History #50.0701

 B.F.A. Music
 B.S. Health Sciences
Program Review Follow-up Report Due Dates
West Virginia State University
Academic Policies Committee
None Pending

Our Team

Deborah Williams
Interim Provost and VP for Academic Affairs and Dean CBSS
Micheal  Fultz, Ph.D.
Associate Provost/AVPAA
Kerri Steele, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Professional Studies
Robert M.
Robert M. Wallace, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
Naveed Zaman, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Vonda Matthews
Administrative Secretary Senior
Deborah Williams

Deborah Williams
Interim Provost and
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs Office
131 Ferrell Hall 
(304) 766-3189
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