The Benefits of International Education and Exchange

Thursday, November 10    12:30 PM-1:20 103 Davis Fine Arts Building
Dr. Carol Taylor-Johnson 304.766.3070


Travelling and Teaching in Slovakia


Cultural Activities and Educational Assemblies Hosts Fulbright Scholar’s Event.

Sonya M. Armstrong, Ph.D., Professor in the WVSU Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, served as a Fulbright Scholar during the Spring 2016 term at Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, in the department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences.   Dr. Armstrong will give a presentation on “The Benefits of International Education and Exchange”.  Her talk is scheduled for Thursday, November 10, 2016, at 12:30 pm, in Rm. 103, Davis Fine Arts building. There also will be Slovak artifacts and Slovak refreshments in the Della Harmon Brown Art Gallery to complement her presentation.
 Dr. Armstrong was fascinated with how teachers evaluate students at Matej Bel University.  She witnessed how assessment is done differently across nations.  With more than 20 years in the STEM Discipline, she is interested in what we in the US can learn from other types of assessment. 
 In august 2004, she was awarded the Clark Atlanta University NSF Advance Leadership Program “Excellence in Teaching” for Women STEM Faculty in HBCU institutions.  She has been a NASA Fellow and a visiting Scholar at the University of Alabama in the Material Science Department.  She is a member of the Charleston City Banská Bystrica Sister Club.
Cultural Activities and Educational Assemblies
Carol Taylor Johnson, Chair


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