Current Students MENU

Federal College Work Study

The Federal College Work Study program is a form of financial aid that provides the opportunity to earn more than minimum wage working on campus or at a community service site.  To be eligible for Work Study, a student must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per semester and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Only undergraduate, domestic students are eligible for Work Study.

If you are interested in this program, the 2024-2025 College Work Study application link is below.

2024-2025 College Work Study Application

Once the College Work Study Interest Application is completed, you will be notified of initial eligibility within 5 business days from the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.  If you are eligible, your information will be forwarded to the Office of Career Services to complete additional steps to determine final eligibility and placement. 

The amount of the award received will determine the amount of hours worked.  The pay rate is $12.00 per hour.  If you receive the maximum award, you will work up to 20 hours per week.

To be placed, you will be required to activate your Handshake account, upload your resume, submit a letter of recommendation and be interviewed by the work location supervisor. After a successful interview, you will be asked to complete the necessary employment forms.

All first-time work study students will be required to participate in a Customer Service training program.

Work Study Manual

Work Study Supervisors

If your department would like to employ work study students for the next academic year, please set up your employer account in Handshake and post your open position (see below).

We will do our best to meet your requests. However, there is no guarantee that the number of students requested will be provided. Most students are assigned during the first three weeks of the Fall semester. However, some students may be assigned later in the Fall and Spring semesters once their financial aid paperwork is complete.

At the end of the academic year, or once the student has ceased working in your department, please submit a performance evaluation.

Click here for instructions on how to set up your employer account and post jobs through Handshake.

Work Study/Handshake FAQ
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