Use the #CampusClear App for daily health self-monitoring


Use the #CampusClear App for daily health self-monitoring

Download and begin using the #CampusClear app to do a daily self-monitoring health check by answering the screening questions honestly before arriving on campus each day. If you use a smartphone, this free app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Here are the links for getting the app on a smart phone:
Apple store for iphones and IOS devices:
Google play for android:
Once the app is downloaded, you will be asked to enter your .edu email address and will receive a confirmation email. Once the app is activated, you can answer the health screening questions on the app before arriving at campus.
Once you have answered the questions, you will receive a badge with the day's date indicating you are "Good to Go."
It will take all of us working together each day to help protect the health and safety of everyone on our campus.
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