
A five-year fundraising campaign to fuel investments in scholarships, academic programs, and institutional research was announced at the March 10 meeting of the West Virginia State University Board of Governors.  With specific focus to shape the future of its students and with a goal to attract $12.5 million in gifts by 2016, the campaign supports WVSU’s strategic plans to further expand into an institution widely recognized for academic excellence, while strengthening its ability to offer flexible, high-quality educational programs closely aligned with the Kanawha Valley region’s economic development needs.

“Today opens a bright, new chapter in our rich history,” said WVSU President Hazo W. Carter, Jr.  “We’ve made significant progress over the past two decades, consistently maintaining accreditation while serving a large local and in-state student population.  With this campaign, we begin an exciting drive to further extend WVSU’s capabililties to become ‘a nationally recognized land-grant university linking its students, faculty, and the citizens of West Virginia to education, research, and economic opportunities in a global market place.’  We appreciate the pride that many of our friends and supporters have in ‘State’.  I am confident that they will provide the funds that are needed to invest in the future prosperity of this University.”

President Carter announced that Eric Coleman, Chairman of the WVSU Board of Governors and a widely respected business leader, has agreed to serve as campaign chairman.   Coleman is a senior commercial manager at Dow Chemical and is a charter member of the WVSU Board of Governors.

Chairman Coleman and the WVSU campaign committee will engage local, regional and national communities seeking major gifts and establishing closer ties with corporate and private foundations.  Coleman also will play an influential role inshaping plans to more actively engage WVSU alumni—and points to his spouse “as an honored and proud alumnae of the University”—and increase their involvement with the University.

“My passionate belief in the University’s value and mission to prepare students for the future and provide vital community services is why I’m proud to chair this important fundraising campaign,” he stated.

President Carter added “This year marks 120 years of WVSU’s commitment to teaching, research and public service.   West Virginia State University plays a vibrant role in advancing the economic, social and cultural aspirations of the State and Kanawha Valley. It is significant that we begin this campaign in this milestone year. “

West Virginia State University (WVSU), was founded in 1891 as one of the original 1890 land-grant schools under the Second Morrill Act. Voluntary integration in 1954 created a distinctive “living laboratory of human
relations” attracting a racially and culturally diverse student body, faculty, and staff.

 The University cherishes a reputation for safeguarding academic freedom, being innovative in its scholarship programs, and removing barriers to education.  WVSU is located in the State’s center of government, industry, and business and serves a large number of students from the metropolitan Charleston area. 

West Virginia State University offers a broad spectrum of baccalaureate degrees as well as master’s degrees for residential and commuting students.  A distinguished accreditation record testifies to WVSU’s concern for quality in its academic and co-curricular program.

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